Border Transportation Forum

Border Transportation Forum

Annual Border Transportation Forum May 4, 2012  The Border Transportation Council invites you to the 2nd Annual Border Transportation Forum this Friday, May 04, 2012 from 8:30 am -12 pm.  Our panelists include US Congressman Bob Filner and San Diego City Council...
Border Transportation Forum

2012 Judicial Endorsements

SDLRLA proudly announces the endorsements of Commissioner Terrie Roberts (Seat 24) and Robert Amador (Seat 25) for Superior Court. These judicial candidates need your vote and support. Please visit their websites: Commissioner Terrie Roberts:...

SDLRLA and Gatekeeper

City of Escondido’s Checkpoint and Towing Practices Under Fire SDLRLA Provides Financial Support to Documentary Efforts With the support of San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association, the ACLU, and other concerned parties, documentary journalist John Carlos Frey of...

Congratulations, Judge Montenegro!

SDLRLA Member Judge Ruth Bermudez Montenegro is sworn in SDLRLA Member Ruth Bermudez Montenegro was appointed by Governor Jerry Brown on February 29, 2012, as the first Mexican- American woman to the Imperial County Superior Court. She was sworn in on March 6, 2012....

1st AMIGAS de Planned Parenthood luncheon

Join Planned Parenthood and Latina Organizations for the 1st AMIGAS de Planned Parenthood Luncheon! On Tuesday, March 13, 2012, from 11:30-1:30 at Cafe Coyote (2461 San Diego Ave., SD 92110), Planned Parenthood of the Pacific Southwest (PPPSW) in collaboration with...