Political Archives • Page 6 of 8 • San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association

Politifest 9/29/12

Please join SDLRLA’s Political Affairs Committee as it represents our organization at the Voice of San Diego’s second annual Politifest on Saturday, September 29th, between 10:00 am and 2:00 pm at Liberty Station’s Ingram Plaza.  This is a free event...

Politifest 2012

Please join SDLRLA’s Political Affairs Committee as it represents our organization at the Voice of San Diego’s second annual Politifest on Saturday, September 29th, between 10:00 am and 2:00 pm at Liberty Station’s Ingram Plaza.  This is a free event with ample...

SDLRLA Board Elections!

IMPORTANT SDLRLA BOARD ELECTION INFORMATION The San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association Board of Directors hereby announces the nomination and election process for SDLRLA’s 2012-2013 Board of Directors. Please note that only individuals who are PAID MEMBERS AS OF...

A Look at Racial Profiling

SDLRLA member, and winner of SDLRLA’s 2011 Attorney of the Year Award, Victor Manuel Torres, will be speaking at a FREE* Pre-Show event at the San Diego Repertory Theatre on Thursday, August 2, 2012 at 7 p.m.  Victor is the spokesperson for the human rights...

NCLR Supports Marriage Equality

On June 9, 2012 the National Council of La Raza, the country’s largest Latino civil rights organization, voted unanimously to pass a resolution which endorsed marriage equality for same-sex couples. Said Danny Ortega, a former NCLR Board Chair, “We thought...
Don’t Forget to VOTE!

Don’t Forget to VOTE!

SDLRLA strongly encourages all of our members —  and everyone in San Diego County — to vote today.  Predictions in the newspaper say that there will be a low turn out in voters today– let’s prove “Them” wrong!  Don’t know...