San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association first teamed up with Lawyers Club of San Diego in 2001 to do annual Spring Read-ins at Central Elementary School. Lawyers Club of San Diego had chosen the school in a Partnership in Education to do annual Halloween Read-ins starting in 1997. The goal of a Read-in is to encourage the love of reading and sharing life experiences while encouraging students to have college bound goals. The school is a Pre-K through 5th grade school with mostly Latino children, many of whom are immigrants so teaming up with SDLRLA was a natural fit. Latino lawyers not only read to the children from a grade appropriate book they donate for the Read-in, but they also try to connect with students by sharing aspects of their upbringing and how they became lawyers. For many of the children, this is a unique opportunity to meet other Latinos who have gone to college and graduate school while having similar backgrounds. The Spring 2012 Read-in will be on Friday March 23rd from 11:45 to 1:15. If you are interested in participating please email Rachel Cano at [email protected] or call at 619-498-5631.