For the Community • San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association

For the Community

SDLRLA’s mission is not just to advance the cause of equality, empowerment and justice for Latino attorneys but also for the Latino community in San Diego County through service and advocacy.

We hope that this page will be a place where members of our community can go to find services and events which are helpful, informative and even fun! SDLRLA does not have any financial interest nor involvement in the activities below.

Register to Vote!

Students: Check out which makes it easy for Community College students to register! Organized by the ACLU, this site is a collaboration of, the college district and the student government leaders.

DACA Screening / Assistance

Free screening for DACA, referrals to other trusted legal agencies (if necessary), guidance on the steps to prepare to apply for DACA, legal assistance in completing the DACA packet. 619-566-6522,


Helping people find low- or no- cost Medi-Cal or premium assistance based on your income. 800-300-1506 or visit Covered California here.

Immigration Issues

San Diego Immigration Detention Facility 619-661-9119

San Diego ICE 619-710-8300

El Centro Immigration Detention Facility 760-336-4600

El Centro ICE 760-336-4600

Online Detainee Locator

Immigration Court Case Information 800-898-7180

San Diego Immigration Court 619-557-6052

Imperial Immigration Court 760-355-0070

El Centro Immigration Court 760-353-2328

Regularly Held Events

Mi Familia; Grupo para personas que tienen familiares que son LGBT– Mondays from 5-8 pm at The Center. For more information, click here.

Grupo de apoyo “Mujeres” para Lesbianas/Bisexuales– Tuesdays from 6-8pm at The Center. For more information, click here.

Citizens Review Board on Police Practices – Fourth Tuesday of January- November, these meetings are open to the public. Click here for time and agenda or complaint forms. You can email for help to

Grupo de apoyo “Las Manzanitas” – Wednesdays from 6:30-9pm at The Center. For more information, click here.

Grupo de apoyo “Transgender 2000”– Fridays from 5:30-8pm at The Center. For more information, click here.

People’s Produce Certified Farmers’ Market– Every Saturday from 3pm – 6pm at the Jacobs Center for Neighborhood Innovation, 4981 Market St (just west of the Euclid Trolley Station).

Arcoiris Alcoholicos Anonimos (AA)– Every Saturday from 5-7 at The Center. For more information, click here.