Support for Workers Laid Off at UCSD HDH
On Monday, June 15, 163 workers, mostly Latino/a/x, were temporarily laid off from UC San Diego Housing Dining Hospitality (HDH). Please support affected staff and their families by making any contributing you can. This is an effort led by staff, for staff. Funds will go directly to affected workers. If we meet our goal, we will be able to deliver $1,500 to each affected worker and their family, and the remainder will mostly cover GoFundMe fees (2.9% transaction fee), plus 30 cents per donor. We are working directly with UCSD HDH Human Resources, to facilitate the funds getting directly to affected workers.
Borderlands Get Free Fund
The San Diego Immigrant Rights Consortium (SDIRC) thanks you for supporting the Borderlands Get Free Fund, a bond fund to help immigrants get out of detention.
Your support has helped us get 43 people out of immigration detention since we launched in 2018.
The COVID-19 pandemic places individuals in detention right now at extreme risk of contracting the virus, due to the close quarters, poor medical care, and lack of cleaning supplies and masks. Help us continue to get individuals out of immigration detention by making a donation to the Borderlands Get Free Fund.
The Otay Mesa Detention Facility has the largest number of COVID-19 cases out of all immigration detention centers in the country, with over 170 individuals testing positive for the virus, and the first individual in ICE custody to die from COVID-19 was being held in the Otay Mesa Detention Facility.
The ACLU filed a lawsuit to get individuals with medical conditions released from detention and a federal judge has ordered ICE to review cases of individuals who are medically vulnerable, but that only covers a small number of folks who are detained at Otay Mesa Detention Facility. There are hundreds of other individuals still being detained who are at risk of contracting COVID-19.
With your generous donation to the Borderlands Get Free Fund, individuals currently in immigration detention can be released to their loved ones in a safe environment.
Another way you can help immigrants in detention is to write a letter to someone who is detained. Due to COVID-19, the detention facilities have restricted non-legal visitors. Letters help keep folks connected to the outside world, and provide hope to individuals in detention. You can write a letter to someone who is being held in ICE custody by visiting the website of one of our partner organizations, Allies to End Detention.
SDIRC is committed to helping individuals in detention and their families. We will continue raising money for the Borderlands Get Free Fund.
Please stay tuned for information on a fundraiser this summer. Thank you again for your support.
Gabriel Urias
Legal Representative, SDIRC Advisory Board
Chair, Borderlands Get Free Fund Committee
SDIRC Immigrant Relief Fund
The SDIRC launched the SDIRC Immigrant Relief Fund. SDIRC is receiving applications, and will help as many folks as they are able to. Just a quick thing to note: the fund is only able to grant $500 to each individual. This will help, but we know that folks will likely need additional resources, particularly if they are trying to cover rent along with other expenses. Below are additional resources for people:
MAAC confirmed that the United Way is able to help cover rent/mortgage payments for people, regardless of immigration status. Individuals are asked to apply online
If you are working with refugees, PANA, KOSD and other partners have also put together a fund for refugee families. Direct people to that fund here:
Finally, Alliance San Diego has compiled a list of resources on their website. With the exception of unemployment, all of the financial resources on there are also available to undocumented folks. This includes funds for specific industries and individuals who work in specific types of jobs, including restaurants, bars and tipped service workers. The resource guide may be found at:
We know this is going to be a very challenging time for many folks in our community. If you have other resources, please continue to share them with each other.
Mission Fed Credit Union Personal Finance Assistance Program
At Mission Fed, our goal is to be your financial partner throughout your life; during these uncertain times, we realize the coronavirus may impact the financial health of some of our members and we want you to know we are here to help in the following ways:
- $100 One-Time Deposit to Checking Account
- Mortgage Discount — $300 off Closing Costs
- Auto Loan Rate Discount — 0.25% off APR and first payment may be deferred up to 90 days
- Credit Card — 0% Introductory APR for 12 months**
- Credit Card Rewards Points — 10,000 points**
**FOR ADDITIONAL DETAILS/INFORMATION, DOWNLOAD HERE or contact Ricardo Ruffo, Senior Regional Business Development Officer, at [email protected].
Justicia Criminal Defense Association
If you were arrested as part of the George Floyd Solidarity Protests in San Diego, you can fill out the information below to get involved with Justicia’s legal support.
We will do our best to answer any legal questions you may have, *try* to find you a volunteer lawyer to advocate to protect and defend the rights of everyone who was arrested in these actions.
Note: We cannot guarantee individual representation by an attorney.
Justicia Email: [email protected]
Attorneys Needed During COVID-19 Crisis
During this challenging time with COVID-19, it is particularly difficult for victims of domestic violence to stay safe at home. As a lawyer, you can make a difference. The SDFJC is looking for attorneys to offer phone consultations on restraining order petitions and family law matters. Attorneys must have experience in preparing restraining orders petitions. Make a difference today!
To volunteer, please contact: [email protected]
Legal Aid Society of San Diego
The Office of the Public Attorney was founded in 1919-1920, when San Diego’s population was 40,000.
LASSD incorporated in 1953 as a non-profit.
This year, we will celebrate 100 years of free legal services in San Diego.
The mission of the Legal Aid Society of San Diego is to improve lives by advancing justice through effective, efficient and vigorous legal advocacy, outreach and education.
LASSD has various locations and practice areas for YOU to volunteer your time, talent, and treasure in San Diego
South County Courthouse/Chula Vista
Domestic Violence Restraining Orders
Civil Restraining Orders
Elder Abuse Restraining Orders
San Diego Superior Court/Hall of Justice
Unlawful Detainers
Civil Restraining Orders
Elder Abuse Restraining Orders
Gender Marker and Name Change
East County Courthouse/El Cajon
Civil Restraining Orders
Elder Abuse Restraining Orders
San Diego Superior Court/ Union Street
Alternatives to Conservatorship, Limited and General Conservatorships of the Person
Downtown Law Library/ North County Interfaith Community Services
Federal Tax Clinics:
We help with IRS wage garnishments, bank levies, audits, EITC denials,
negotiated settlements and other problems
Downtown Law Library
The Civil Appellate Self-Help Workshop will give you information on
procedures and resources to handle your own appeal
Vista & Downtown Law Libraries
Debt Collection Lawsuit Clinic
US Bankruptcy Courthouse
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Counseling
Assistance in Obtaining and Filling Out Bankruptcy Forms
Legal Advocates Volunteer Program 2020
With the migrant caravans of 2018…
IMUMI Staff was working on the ground to provide information to migrants sheltered in government established camps. In order to reach a higher number of people, IMUMI, together with Alianza Americas and the NLG, put out calls for Spanish-speaking U.S. aylum attorneys to provide Know Your Rights Talks on asylum and other immigration remedies in the U.S., as well as do selected screening for particularly vulnerable cases.
55 U.S. attorneys came to Mexico City to volunteer, helping provide information and conduct screenings. From this experience, IMUMI realized that there is an urgent need in migrant communities for information on U.S. law, and secondly, there are U.S. lawyers willing to come down to fill this need. This is when IMUMI decided to establish the Legal Advocates Volunteer Program in 2019. The program began with volunteers giving talks in shelters on asylum and what to expect when arriving at the border. In October, however, IMUMI expanded the program to offer presentations and consultations for deported Mexican migrants.
For 2020, we want to expand our reach, and already have 13 volunteers signed up for January, February, and May. If you´re interested in learning more about the program or want to sign up please email [email protected] or visit
Safe Harbor Network
The Safe Harbors Network is a 501(c)(3) charity dedicated to creating bed capacity for immigrant asylum-seekers and refugees. We recruit, screen and train a network of congregations, individuals, organizations and homes who partner with Safe Harbors to provide temporary emergency shelter beds for refugees, immigrants and asylum seekers. We keep immigrant families together!
Our purpose is to welcome and care for the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of migrants, asylum seekers and refugees along the US/Mexico border by providing lodging and other assistance.
Our vision is to expand available bed and care capacity for refugees, immigrants and asylum seekers sufficient to meet their immediate needs and longer-term goals.
Our goal is to establish a flexible and sustainable network to meet the present and future lodging and care needs for refugees, immigrants, asylum seekers along the US/Mexico border. In order to achieve this goal, WE NEED YOUR HELP! If you would like to participate in contributing to this goal, you can donate items from the following list:
- Diapers (all sizes)
- Women and Men Hygienic supplies
- Shampoo/ Body Wash
- Bar Soap
- Tooth Brush/ Tooth Paste
- Toilet Paper
- Baby Wipes
- Paper Towels
- Blankets
- Towels
- Jackets(Men, Women, Children’s)
- Baby Clothes/ Shoes (all sizes)
- Shoes (Men, Women, Children’s)
- Undergarments (Men, Women, Children)
- Hairbrushes
- UNOPENED Perishable Foods (rice, beans)
- Non Perishable items (canned fruits, and vegetables)
For additional donation information and list of needed items, visit Safe Harbor Network’s website.
Please bring or mail your donations to the Christ Ministry Center at 3295 Meade Ave, San Diego, CA 92116. We would love to see Safe Harbors Network’s storeroom filled this holiday season!
For additional questions, contact Maricela Amezola at [email protected]