Applications are now being accepted for the Louis M. Welsh Inn of Court, the first American Inn of Court in Southern California.
American Inns of Court (AIC) are designed to improve the skills, professionalism, and ethics of the bench and bar. An American Inn of Court is an amalgam of judges and lawyers from both the private and public sectors. The Inn meets approximately once a month, both to “break bread” and to hold programs and discussions (for MCLE credit — approximately eight sessions of 1 hr. each) on matters of ethics, skills and professionalism. Membership dues include food & drink at each of these meetings, as well as the member’s admission to the annual Joint Inns dinner.
Membership is composed of the following categories: Masters of the Bench — judges and experienced lawyers who participate in the Inn indefinitely; Barristers — lawyers with five or more years experience who join the Inn for two years; and Associates — less experienced lawyers who join the Inn for one or two years. The membership is divided into “teams,” each consisting of members from each membership category. Each team conducts one program for the Inn each year. Team members meet informally outside of monthly Inn meetings to allow the less experienced attorneys to become more effective advocates and counselors by learning from the more experienced attorneys and judges.
Application deadline: June 1, 2012.
Get the application here.