SDLRLA on LinkedIn

Do you have a LinkedIn account? Are you looking for ways to connect with your colleagues and to broaden your networking circles? Please join our Members Only LinkedIn group (which can be located on LinkedIn as “San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association”) and...

SDLRLA and Gatekeeper

City of Escondido’s Checkpoint and Towing Practices Under Fire SDLRLA Provides Financial Support to Documentary Efforts With the support of San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association, the ACLU, and other concerned parties, documentary journalist John Carlos Frey of...

Be a “BIG”!

SDLRLA is proud to support Big Brothers Big Sisters. For 50+ years, Big Brothers Big Sisters has provided life-changing one-to-one mentoring to 20,000+ children in San Diego County. Youth in Big Brothers Big Sisters’ programs stay in school, off of drugs, and...